As an online outreach of the Baptist Messenger, the “Word Slingers” publication/platform is designed to create Christian conversation on timely and pertinent topics to reach young adults and other readers. The website has a “blog” feel and the frequent posts from a wide array of writers will be synced to all major social media outlets.
- Write a blog post 300 to 600 words in length on a timely and interesting topic.
- With each submission, a photo or multiple photos should be provided or ideas for photos submitted.
- In addition, please note what topic area the post best fits. Choose among the following: FAITH, LIFE, IMPACT, NEWS, CULTURE or VOICES.
- Submit your post to
All topics should reflect a Christian perspective. Regardless of topic, the author should try to tie it to Christ and Christian living specifically. Once the post has been approved, you should receive email notification. Please use every opportunity to promote it to your own social media network.
Contributing writers and guest writers alike must bring a Christian perspective to any given topic. Whether a book review, movie review, recipe or theological discussion, the post should advance the conversation toward Christ and Christian ideals, and must be consistent with the principles in the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message. Unless to criticize, books and movies that contain sexual content or nudity will not be reviewed. Further, works that encourage drinking, tobacco use, illegal drugs and gambling are prohibited on “Word Slingers.” Foul language is strictly prohibited from the site, including comments from readers. For more information, contact
All rights are reserved for the Baptist Messenger from posts on “Word Slingers.” For reprint permission, contact
“Word Slingers” is an online outreach of the Baptist Messenger. Views expressed on do not necessarily reflect those of the Baptist Messenger or the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Editorial oversight is provided by the editor of the Baptist Messenger.
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