Building Relationships
Cold call evangelism is valuable, and every Christian should know how to do it, but most of us don’t practice it very often. Why? Maybe it’s because we are super-spiritual and deeply concerned about leaving spiritual babies in our wake with no one to care for and nurture them.
Maybe. Probably not.
The truth is more likely that it just makes us uncomfortable. We don’t love to open the front door to white shirts, dark neckties, and bicycle helmets, so we try not to portray that image to other people.
We know deep down, even as we waste time staring into backlit screens, that life is about real relationships, namely our relationship with God and our relationships with others. We know from experience that the Gospel is easier to believe and take hold of when introduced by a trusted friend. So, how do we move past initial, superficial connections and build relationships that will bear the weight of God’s Truth when it comes time to share it? Here are some suggestions for you and your family.
1. Choose your stomping grounds. Become faithful patrons of one grocery store, one hair salon, one bank, one gym, one coffee shop, one department store, one restaurant, etc. Get to know the people there. Find those who seem receptive to your friendship and frequent their check-out line, their barber chair, their booth, their table, etc.
2. Build margin into your schedule. As often as possible, arrive early to your destination and plan to stay later than you must so that you can engage more people in potentially meaningful conversation and build relationships.
3. Invest intentionally. Look for ways to be of help. When you discover a need, do your best to meet that need. Give of your time, your energy, and your resources.
4. Pray. Pray for your new friends and tell them that you pray for them. Few will object, and most will begin to bring prayer requests to you, opening the door for spiritual conversation. Offer to pray with them when they seem receptive.
In short, live out the gospel you profess by taking the time and making the effort to show love to the people around you. Then, when Jesus knocks at the door of their hearts, they will be more likely to invite Him in.