by Brian Hobbs | Jul 22, 2013
While the world is buzzing about the birth of Duchess Kate and Prince William’s child, I offer these thoughts.
5. People love babies. In our abortion-rights saturated culture, it is good to see that people still love a good birth. As with marriage, people love a good wedding more than the hard work of a good marriage. The same is said on an occasion such as this.
4. Live your life. While I, like you, stand in awe of Royalty and the pomp surrounding it, God made you. He put you were you are and has a plan for your life. This cannot be fulfilled by only living vicariously through the lives of others. We have one life on this earth, so today, embrace the gift of life.
3. Sex matters. The sex of the baby, I mean. When the doctor announced “It’s a boy!” that genetic fact determines a great deal. In a society that increasingly wants to minimize the differences between the sexes, this birth is a reminder that God created man and woman as distinct, equal beings.
2. Remember the orphans. While it is fun to fawn over the Royal Baby, it is also a good time to take stock of the orphans in society. In Oklahoma alone, there are 10,000-plus children the foster care system who need our thoughts and prayers, too.
1. With this birth, let’s remember His birth. Before there was Twitter, before the House of Windsor, there was a baby in a manger, the Christ Child. How amazing to ponder that God Himself came cloaked in human flesh in the form of Jesus Christ, truly the most important birth of all time.
by Aaron Summers | Jul 11, 2013
We recently celebrated Independence Day. Typically, this is a day of family, friends, and the celebration of freedom. Communities will gather around parades and have firework shows in the evening. Families will spend the day together as many have the day off. On this day we celebrate our freedom. We harken back to that auspicious day when the colonists declared their independence from the tyranny of the British. I did a little research and discovered a few things.
1. The struggle for freedom started long before the declaration occurred. The “shot heard around the world” happened 15 months earlier on April 19, 1775 in Lexington. I often see that people who make a declaration about Christ have struggled with the concept for a while. Normally it does not just happen. Most of us go back and pinpoint a specific place or time where the decision was made much like our declaration as a country. However, if we were honest, God’s Spirit had already been at work in our lives. We had a feeling of frustration, guilt, shame, or just tired of having a loser life on the inside. The battle began long before the actual declaration.
2. The day of declaration was just the beginning. On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was ratified by Congress. As far as we were concerned it was a done deal. We drafted it. We adjusted it. We declared it. However, the current controller was not happy with this decision. The day of declaration was not the end but the beginning. Followers of Christ look back at a place or time when they turned their lives over to God’s control. Church people will call this “getting saved” or “born again”. These statements are true but are misunderstand at times. The moment I made a declaration of faith in Christ was the day I was free on a spiritual and eternal level. However, the physical results would take a while to become real. Habits, addictions, and lifestyle patterns that had years of sediment in my life would not go away easily. As long as I breathe there will be a struggle to maintain the freedom I declared 30 years ago!
3. The Revolutionary War lasted for 5-7 years after the moment of declaration. Although Cornwallis’ surrender at Yorktown in the Fall of 1781 marked the end of the Revolutionary War, minor battles between the British and the colonists continued for another two years. Finally, in February of 1783 George III issued his Proclamation of Cessation of Hostilities, culminating in the Peace Treaty of 1783. Signed in Paris on September 3, 1783, the agreement — also known as the Paris Peace Treaty — formally ended the United States War for Independence. The colonists had to fight for their freedom. Many people died in the battles. Some battles were won gloriously and some battles were lost horribly. I find in our lives that the same is true. You will win some battles in your Christian walk. At times you will lose some battles. We must keep our eye on the final peace treaty to come at the Judgment Seat of God. According to one site there were 22 major battles (If I counted right!). We did not win every one of those, but we did win the war.
4. Paris Peace Treaty of 1783. This marked the official end to the war. The colonists would be officially free to live under new law after this moment. The British would relinquish all holds and control from this point forward. So often, we want our declaration day to be the day of the peace treaty. While it is true we have gained peace with God on that day of faith, we have also awakened a sleeping giant in Satan who will wage war until the end. You will fight battles until that day. Satan will find your weak points and attempt to divide and conquer you. While our eternal security is in place, we cannot just wimp out on the battles. Freedom today is available but must be fought for by the power and presence of Jesus Christ. The current struggles of alcohol, marijuana, sex, pornography, illicit drugs or battles we must fight. In addition, there will be battles for time, family, interests, and commitment. These may be lesser known battles but are just as dangerous.
Freedom is a reality but is one that is acquired not automatically given. We struggle to become free. We finally declare our freedom and ally with the right partner. This is not where freedom is won. Freedom is won through a series of battles until the Peace Treaty is signed. Our lives as followers of Christ will be a series of battles until Jesus returns. Focus on the big picture but fight in the present battle. You may lose a battle here and there. In these moments we cannot simply lay down our arms and give up. We must stand and fight in the power and strength of the Spirit and Scripture. Fight on. Fight long. The war belongs to the Lord!
21 So I discover this principle: When I want to do what is good, evil is with me.
22 For in my inner self I joyfully agree with God’s law.
23 But I see a different law in the parts of my body,
waging war against the law of my mind
and taking me prisoner to the law of sin in the parts of my body.
24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this dying body?
25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Romans 7:21-25 (HCSB)
by Brian Hobbs | Jun 26, 2013
Rainbow flags waving, “gay rights” advocates cheering and people reacting in social media circles. These were some of the sights and sounds following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling(s) on Wednesday, June 26. Like others, I watched this debate with great interest in the results.
Consensus appears to be that the institution of marriage is even more at risk nationwide, as key parts of the Defense of Marriage Act were struck down. Experts also say that while the Court stopped short of a grand-scale legalized mandate of same-sex marriage today, the stage is set for more social upheaval and redefinition of marriage tomorrow.
The head of Oklahoma Baptists, Dr. Anthony Jordan (Twitter: @DrAnthonyJordan) said, “While it is disappointing that the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the Defense of Marriage Act fails to protect the institution nationwide, we take heart knowing that no government body can redefine what God Himself created in marriage as one man and one woman. Time will tell what net effect this will have on Oklahoma and the culture, yet God’s people will stand firm in the days ahead grounded in the truth of the Scriptures.”
That is well said. Another important Southern Baptist leader Dr. Russell Moore, when asked what this changes said: “In one sense, nothing. Jesus of Nazareth is still alive. He is calling the cosmos toward his kingdom, and he will ultimately be Lord indeed. Regardless of what happens with marriage, the gospel doesn’t need “family values” to flourish. In fact, it often thrives when it is in sharp contrast to the cultures around it. … In another sense, though, the marginalization of conjugal marriage in American culture has profound implications for our gospel witness. First of all, marriage isn’t incidental to gospel preaching.”
I think we Southern Baptists recognize how high the stakes are on this issue. That is why it is important not only what we communicate but how. We should have a quiet confidence knowing, as Drs. Jordan and Moore said that God’s plan for mankind will march on. While clashing viewpoints will be on display on the Internet and TV in the days ahead, as Christians, let’s hold firm to what we know and compassionately and passionately contend for our viewpoint, whether or not we win legal or cultural battles.
by Tiffany Zylstra | Jun 24, 2013
I understand as a Christian we should give people second chances, but there are sometimes that it is especially hard. Of course this list includes murder and abuse. People who use careless, hurtful words, could be on that list, as well.
Speaking of this, popular TV chef Paula Deen is reported to have made some racially targeted remarks that are hard to swallow and are just plain wrong.
According to The Washington Post, Deen had used racial slurs in her restaurant and then continued on by saying “It’s just what they are – they’re jokes…most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks…I can’t determine what offends another person.”
Since this information about racial epithets has come out Deen has lost her contract with The Food Network and several endorsements. She scrambled trying to apologize and seems to have made the situation worse by publishing on YouTube a poorly edited, seemingly insincere video. This video allegedly was pulled after a couple of hours but then two others were posted equally as unhelpful as an apology. Then on top of the hoopla she cancelled an interview on the Today show, just to reschedule 3 days later. Without getting in front of the issues she just made it worse. I understand people make mistakes but to continually make ‘jokes’ such as these is unacceptable.
People must be aware that their words and actions have consequences. You can forgive someone but to truly forget it is not an easy task. Sometimes forgiving someone seems almost impossible. The negative image that Ms. Deen is going to have to live with for the remainder of her life will follow her around. Every cookbook, pan, whisk, product, and restaurant she endorses is going to have to go beyond the reported racial slurs said by her.
Racially-charged language is never acceptable for us Christians. We, as Christians, should be building each other up, providing encouragement and support. Proverbs 16:24 says “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” It is always great to hear a compliment and we should strive daily to build up the people around us.
What are your thoughts on the Paula Deen controversy?
by Chris Doyle | Jun 24, 2013
I have seen every bit of 20 seconds of Paula Deen’s show. I was channel surfing and stopped on the Food Network because I got a phone call.
In this show, she was at President Jimmy Carter’s house, cooking something with Rosalynn. Two thoughts came to my mind: 1) Rosalynn looks exactly the same as she did during the 1980 election and 2) Surely I can find something better to watch.
I am not qualified to give an accurate perspective about Ms. Deen and her recent issue which involved her no longer being on the Food Network. I don’t even know for sure that she isn’t on the Food Network anymore. I’m just going on what I’ve been reading on Facebook and what my wife tells me.
Here’s what I do know. She said a disgusting word that by today’s cultural standards is at the ultimate worst. I definitely do not approve of the word she said and would not justify it being said in any way, shape or form. Those who know me know I’m very critical of all forms of obscene language, so for me to say I’m against what Paula Deen said should not be much of a surprise.
So when I was given the task of sharing a perspective of the cultural uproar surrounding this TV celebrity, I had to do some thinking. What would be the best aspect to share about Paula Deen on “Word Slingers,” this website that shares as its mission “Blogging with Jesus in mind”?
The example Jesus gave during His earthly ministry could be applied so many ways. One of the more popular examples people use is the setting of the adulteress who was thrown on the ground near a setting where Jesus was teaching. He, of course, voiced one of his most commonly quoted saying, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.”
This could be used appropriately, but I choose a different setting, when Jesus was speaking to the woman at the well (John 4). In that situation, Jesus initiated the discussion with her. He chose to connect with her when it was not socially acceptable to do so. She was a Samaritan woman coming to a public well to fetch water. Jesus, being a man with Judean descent, was not supposed to socialize with Samaritans, especially with Samaritan women and ESPECIALLY not in public.
Something Jesus pointed out well after he developed his conversation with her was that he knew the woman was living with a man who wasn’t her husband. He also pointed out she had five ex-husbands. Not just one or even two. Even by today’s standards, this woman would have a rather “loose” reputation.
Here is what I find fascinating about Jesus in this encounter. Jesus knows everything about her, yet he didn’t let her flaws and failures become issues of hindrance. He still connected with her and treated her just like he would treat anybody else. Again, Jesus initiated the discussion. He loved her intentionally even when he knew ahead of time that she was doing something wrong.
So what does this have to do with Paula Deen? Again, I really don’t know much about her, but even if I knew as much as Jesus knows, I should still accept her and forgive her.
Yes, that is easier to say than do. We are prone to hold celebrities to higher standards, which means they are also susceptible to heavier criticisms.
So let me also share something that I have heard my pastor say on more than one occasion: “What I say about you says more about me than it does about you.”
Paula Deen is being punished by the harshest of courts – the court of public opinion. Her television career may very well be over, or at least heavily hindered, because of her using an unacceptable word.
What I would suggest to anyone who feels justifiable in passing judgment on her, choose your words wisely.
by Brian Hobbs | Jun 12, 2013
The Obama Administration this week announced it will no longer seek to restrict by age limits those who can gain access to the so-called morning-after pill without a prescription.
To be specific, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) policy will allow girls and women of all ages to obtain pills like Plan B®.
In a May 6 post on “Word Slingers,” pharmacist Derek McCarver of El Reno talks about the science behind Plan B® and how it actually can lead to an abortion.
What’s more, he discusses the serious side effects for the women and girls using these pills, as well as some of the spiritual side effects. Here I wish to present three fatally flawed problems of the Administration’s policy. It is:
1) Irrational
The FDA, with former President George W. Bush’s approval, first made it over-the-counter (though not for minors) in 2006. At the time, courageous leaders like U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma medical doctor, warned that this was a tragic move.
Why, Coburn wondered, would the FDA make the super-dose of birth control, which can likely terminate a pregnancy, available over-the-counter, when the ordinary birth control pill requires a prescription? It does not make sense.
2) Irresponsible
We have done a great disservice to pharmacists like McCarver, who have now been degraded to mere vending machines for abortifacient pills through this policy. Previously, women would be required to seek medical advice before taking such a pill.
With the FDA ruling, doctors are taken out of the equation for women, who are hurriedly using this drug after sexual contact. Whereas a doctor could have tested the patient for sexually-transmitted diseases and advised her in other ways, she is now on her own.
3) Immoral
In the 1970s, a fear of “back-alley abortions” was a big argument used to bring abortion to America. Abortion rights proponents argued, “we needed to get abortion off the streets and on the record.”
Today, this FDA policy has the potential to move abortion back off the record. Whereas clients previously had to visit a doctor or clinic to receive an abortion, the future may mean nothing more than a trip to the local pharmacy. Is not the potential ending of a human life worth more deliberation than what it is given here?
Women’s issues activists, too, have raised a question as to whether sex traffickers will be more easily able to cover up their tracks with the easy access to this pill for their sex slaves. The human trafficking problem is not just some problem on another continent. It is happening right here in Oklahoma. The last thing we need to make is an easier way for these monstrous traffickers to hide their evil deeds.
Again, this decision is irrational, irresponsible and immoral. No one wins with this decision, except maybe Big Pharma and the abortion lobby.
Truly it is a sad day in America when a trip to the local pharmacy could mean the end of a human life and hurry women and girls into a decision that has eternal consequences as well.
With Jesus Christ, however, there is always hope. Let us pray that those in leadership (1 Tim. 2:1-4) would change course and that Christ Himself, who came to give us “life and life abundantly” (John 10:10) would save us from our own devices.