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Over-the-counter, lasting consequences

Over-the-counter, lasting consequences

The Obama Administration this week announced it will no longer seek to restrict by age limits those who can gain access to the so-called morning-after pill without a prescription.

To be specific, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) policy will allow girls and women of all ages to obtain pills like Plan B®.

In a May 6 post on “Word Slingers,” pharmacist Derek McCarver of El Reno talks about the science behind Plan B® and how it actually can lead to an abortion.

What’s more, he discusses the serious side effects for the women and girls using these pills, as well as some of the spiritual side effects. Here I wish to present three fatally flawed problems of the Administration’s policy. It is:

1) Irrational

The FDA, with former President George W. Bush’s approval, first made it over-the-counter (though not for minors) in 2006. At the time, courageous leaders like U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma medical doctor, warned that this was a tragic move.

Why, Coburn wondered, would the FDA make the super-dose of birth control, which can likely terminate a pregnancy, available over-the-counter, when the ordinary birth control pill requires a prescription? It does not make sense.

2) Irresponsible

We have done a great disservice to pharmacists like McCarver, who have now been degraded to mere vending machines for abortifacient pills through this policy. Previously, women would be required to seek medical advice before taking such a pill.

With the FDA ruling, doctors are taken out of the equation for women, who are hurriedly using this drug after sexual contact. Whereas a doctor could have tested the patient for sexually-transmitted diseases and advised her in other ways, she is now on her own.

3) Immoral

In the 1970s, a fear of “back-alley abortions” was a big argument used to bring abortion to America. Abortion rights proponents argued, “we needed to get abortion off the streets and on the record.”

Today, this FDA policy has the potential to move abortion back off the record. Whereas clients previously had to visit a doctor or clinic to receive an abortion, the future may mean nothing more than a trip to the local pharmacy. Is not the potential ending of a human life worth more deliberation than what it is given here?

Women’s issues activists, too, have raised a question as to whether sex traffickers will be more easily able to cover up their tracks with the easy access to this pill for their sex slaves. The human trafficking problem is not just some problem on another continent. It is happening right here in Oklahoma. The last thing we need to make is an easier way for these monstrous traffickers to hide their evil deeds.

Again, this decision is irrational, irresponsible and immoral. No one wins with this decision, except maybe Big Pharma and the abortion lobby.

Truly it is a sad day in America when a trip to the local pharmacy could mean the end of a human life and hurry women and girls into a decision that has eternal consequences as well.

With Jesus Christ, however, there is always hope. Let us pray that those in leadership (1 Tim. 2:1-4) would change course and that Christ Himself, who came to give us “life and life abundantly” (John 10:10) would save us from our own devices.

Love thy airplane neighbor

Love thy airplane neighbor

Since long before TSA sucked all the fun out of air travel, airplanes have been my favorite form of commute.  My favorite thing about flying? Naps. There’s no TV, no dirty dishes, nothing to distract you or demand your attention.

Unless you get seated next to a talker. Nothing ruins a good nap like a talker. I’ve even had someone try to sell me insurance on a flight!

On my last trip, I had a very frustrating day of travel. One flight left late, the connecting flight left early, and I was stuck in the airport waiting for the next available flight. I was hot, tired, frustrated, and hungry. The last thing I wanted was a “cattle car” experience to finish the trip. So I forked out the nominal fee and sprung for a First Class upgrade, hoping it would increase my odds of being seated alone or with someone who didn’t feel the need to share their life story.

The plane boarded and at first it looked like my hopes would be realized. My neighbor sat down with earbuds in and didn’t even make eye contact. I settled in with my book and prepared for a quiet trip home.

Then it was time to “turn off all electrical devices.” Out the earbuds came, and he dove into a two-hour long monologue about his childhood, marriage, career… As I listened to him talk, I couldn’t help think that I was being cheated out of my highly anticipated quiet time.

Commence guilt.

I recently finished a Bible study which included a brief discussion on the author’s view that airplane neighbors are divine appointments, God-ordained opportunities to share the Gospel to a captive audience. I appreciated her perspective, but decided that wasn’t for me. Plane time is my nap time.

Throughout the flight, that idea rolled around in my head, refusing to leave. Still, I said nothing. Partly that was because I didn’t know if I could get a word in edgewise. But also, I am shamefully out of practice when it comes to telling a complete stranger the Good News.

Finally we arrived at our destination and began to deplane. He started to leave and I said, “I really enjoyed talking to you. Every night, I like to pray for people I meet, is there something I could pray for you about today?”

And sure enough, after telling me all the wonderful things about his life, suddenly he confessed that there was an area that wasn’t as good as he originally presented it, and asked for prayer. We said goodbye and left.

It wasn’t the Roman Road, but I did pray for him that night, for his situation and the hope that someone taking an interest in him and offering to pray for him planted a seed that others would water.

Maybe next time I’ll be a little slower to curl up for my nap.

Make the most of your influence

Make the most of your influence

Do you know that you have influence?  If you call yourself a Christian, you have set yourself apart from the world.  Therefore, anyone who claims Christianity has influence.  But really it’s not a matter of if you have influence; it’s a matter of how you use your influence.  As Christians there is a standard of living set for us.  Throughout the Bible we see stories and example of how we should and shouldn’t live our lives, and as we all know, “actions speak louder than words.”

Second Chronicles 17 tell the story of Jehoshaphat and his reign over the land of Judah.  He was the King, and he definitely had influence.  Chapter 17 shows us how Jehoshaphat lived and the principals he lived by, making the most of his influence.  Can the same be said of you?

Verse 1, Strengthen yourself.  You must learn how to study and apply the Word of God to your life, job, family, marriage, relationships, struggles, etc. before you can have a positive influence on others.  How can you be light in a dark world if you don’t apply God’s Word to your life?

Verse 2, Always be ready for battle.  Notice the Bible doesn’t tell us that Judah is under attack, but Jehoshaphat still has his guard up.  It’s a lot easier to defend yourself if your defense is up before an attack comes.  This is why we train troops even when we aren’t in a time of war.  For example, whether you struggle with internet pornography or not, go ahead and put parental controls on your computer and phone.  That way you’ll be much less likely to run into a problem.

Verse 3, Learn from the best.  Don’t listen to just anyone. Go back a couple chapters and read about Jehoshaphat’s dad, Asa.  Jehoshaphat isn’t following his example for good reason.  Instead he looks to the early way of his relative King David, before David got into a bunch of sin.  Before you follow the advice of someone or follow their lead, do your homework and make sure he or she is someone you really need to be following.

Verse 4, Don’t let the world control your heart.  Jehoshaphat didn’t follow the practices of Israel or the world around him.  He was focused on God and the things of God.  Set yourself apart from your friends at school or work.  Romans 10:1-2 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Luke 16:15 says, “And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.”  Following the world will get you nowhere!

Verse 5, Let the scope of your influence come from the Lord.  Jehoshaphat wasn’t concerned about was following the world, making everyone happy or living like a celebrity. Jehoshaphat simply followed God.  And because of that, God blessed him abundantly.

Verses 7-9, Use your position and resources to spread the Gospel.  Jehoshaphat didn’t stop with his kingdom – he wanted everyone to hear about the Lord!  The most important thing we can do is share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others!  Jehoshaphat didn’t use his wealth on himself but used it to send out missionaries.

How do you live? And what does your influence look like?  Are you mission-minded? These principles can be applied at work, school, in your community and anywhere else you might be.  Jehoshaphat set a great example for us. Now take it, and use your influence to reach the world for Christ!

Spirit-led evangelism

Spirit-led evangelism

The best advice I ever heard regarding evangelism came from Dr. Ted Kersh, pastor of South Tulsa Baptist Church. He said, “Talk to them like they are Christians until they realize that they aren’t.” This advice comes from one of the most skilled cold call evangelists I have ever known, and he’s right.

We often miss opportunities to share the Gospel while waiting for the perfect moment to do so. While it’s a good thing to rehearse a testimony, practice opening questions, and memorize Scripture sequences, it’s perhaps an even better thing to talk about Jesus in casual conversation with non-Christians on a consistent basis without set-up or apology, just as you would discuss the blizzard that never happened or the federal budget cuts that did. In doing so, you give others ample opportunity to realize that they are missing something, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Let me illustrate.

I have spent a lot of time on WebMD, but that doesn’t make me a doctor, a truth that is very evident when I spend time in my doctor’s office. Now, I can hold my own with terms like asthma and anemia, but when he starts talking about anything ending in “oma” or “itis” and the procedures he has performed, I see very clearly that he is the professional and I only know enough about medicine to give myself an ulcer. In all my time with the man, never once has he asked me, “You know you’re not a doctor, don’t you?” He doesn’t have to.

The same thing happens when Christians talk about their Savior, showing intimate knowledge of someone most people only know a little about. So, go ahead and tell everyone about your new puppy, your mother’s surgery, and the Pinterest idea you can’t wait to try, but make time to talk about Jesus as well. If he gave you the strength to kick a bad habit, the patience to deal with a difficult customer, the compassion to forgive an enemy, or the resolve to take charge of your finances, say so. Be transparent. Speak the Truth with authority. Let people know that Jesus is not only real, but the reason for the joy that you have. Then, when they realize their need for your Savior, help them pray and accept Him.

You may never get the chance to ask any of the opening questions you learned in EE or FAITH training, but that’s okay. If you let the Spirit lead, you may not have to.

In It To End It

In It To End It

In January, more than 60,000 college students converged on the Georgia Dome in Atlanta for the annual Passion Conference.[1]  At this conference, the End It Movement was born.

Over a decade ago, the United Nations estimated that more than a million children are trafficked into the global commercial sex trade every year; most of those children are 12-18-year-old girls.[2]  Right now, our best statistics estimate that more than 27 million people are enslaved around the world in factories, brothels, and mines.[3]  Revenue generated by human trafficking, or the trade of humans for labor or sexual exploitation, is second only to income from the sale of illegal drugs, and a huge percentage of that revenue comes from the sexual slavery of children.[4]

This year at Passion, concern for enslaved people reached a crescendo when students – a demographic not usually known for its deep pockets – raised nearly $3.3 million to combat human slavery today.[5]

Slavery isn’t an issue relegated to the slums of Mumbai or the brothels of Phnom Penh.  In the United States, roughly 300,000 children are victims of human trafficking.[6]

Some things in life are optional, but the church’s responsibility to confront slavery isn’t one of them.  And Christians all over the world are awaking to this reality.  Throughout Scripture, God emboldens His followers to be His hands and His feet.  In order to be God’s limbs, we first have to have His heart.

God isn’t silent about His concern for the helpless and oppressed.  When we refuse to ignore the abuse propagated by the slavery of children and adults, we’re joining God’s plan to “bring good news to the poor … heal the brokenhearted …[and] proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners” (Isaiah 61:1).  When we shed the light of Christ on the devil’s bedroom, we affirm God’s commitment to uphold justice for the needy (Psalm 140:12).  And when we work toward redemption and freedom for all people caught in bondage, our actions confirm that our faith is alive and well (James 2:20).

God doesn’t give His followers a “pass” when it comes to confronting slavery and human trafficking.  When we speak for those who can’t speak for themselves – the runaway, the prostitute, the abused – we’re partnering with God to shower love on His children and give them hope for the future.

How do we open our eyes to the at-risk people in our schools, communities, and world?  If Edmund Burke was right when he said that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing,” what does that mean for the church?

If you’re interested in learning more about the End It Movement, check out


[2] Child Wise’s pdf on “Child Sex Trafficking,”





How to Honor and Glorify God in the Workplace

How to Honor and Glorify God in the Workplace

Growing up in the church, I remember hearing things like, “go to work for Jesus!” I never really understood what that meant, but like most us, I jotted it down in my notebook and nodded my head, agreeing with the statement.

But what does it really mean?  Can you bring glory to God today stocking shelves, mowing yards, or trying to earn your commission?  If you are like me, maybe you are thinking, “how can someone glorify God at work or go to work for Jesus unless they work in a church?”  Well, I believe that there are at least seven ways (there are probably more) you can glorify God at work, every day.

1.     Be dependable.  This is twofold. First, depend on God.  Depend on Him to give you a job, provide for you, and to show you purpose for your life. (Proverbs 3:5-6)  Second, be someone who your co-workers and employers can depend on.

2.     Be aware of your relationships and the way you communicate with others.  There are several scriptures you can point to here.  We are to respect and submit to those who God has put over us. (Romans 13:1-7)  How do you communicate to your boss?  Respectfully or rudely?  And how do you communicate with your co-workers?  Do you use language that sets you apart as a Christian? In addition, how are you perceived?  To be blunt, are you a flirt or inappropriate? Don’t be!

3.    Be honest and have integrity. The 8th commandment says “You shall not steal.” (Exodus 20:15)  This includes more than just money or property. Don’t take advantage of a break or steal time.  Don’t use company resources for personal gain.  Just be fair and do the right thing.

4.     Be a loving person. This could be included with number 2, but I want to emphasize love.  Christ shows His love in many ways: His patience, mercy, grace, service…and this could go on.  Are you demonstrating a Christ-like love to those around you?  Ideas to help you do this: Help your co-workers, always be willing to come in early and go the extra mile, be understanding when someone makes a mistake and care about the needs of others.

5.     Have a purpose. Why do you work?  Is it just to earn money to blow on the weekends?  Do you realize that while you are at work you are earning the money that you will put in the offering plate, that will go on to do things like support missions, feed the hungry, and plant churches through the Cooperative Program?  What an honor to be a part of what God is doing just by cleaning tables or flipping burgers.

6.     Be thankful! The job you have is what God is using to give you food on your table, a roof over your head, and ever go see a movie on the weekends or buy new clothes.  Give thanks for what the Lord has given you!

The most important thing you can do is:

7.     Be missional! Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those around you! God has put you in your position for a reason!