Dear Student Pastor, Busy Is Not Holy
Dear Student Pastor,
Summer is in full swing, and for you that means your busiest season of the year has arrived. Over the next eight to 10 weeks your calendar will be filled with trips, camps, and events. Planning, delegating, recruiting volunteers, and leading all these events will have you working long days and sleeping short nights. If I can offer one word of solace let it be this, slow down!
Busy is not holy.
As things fill your daily schedule it will be easier to knock off other things from your schedule such as prayer, time in The Word, and solitude. “Working for the Lord” is not found in the scriptures as a viable excuse to not meeting with the Lord. Abandoning your pursuit of personal holiness in the midst of a busy ministry season is not good for your heart, your family, nor your ministry. As my good friend Daryl Reininger says “Busy is not Holy,” and that could not be more true than in the summer season of student ministry.
You being busy with the Lord’s work at the expense of your own personal spiritual health will not gain you any more jewels in your crown. Being busy with ministry work does not protect your form the enemy’s attack nor does it protect you from your own sinful flesh. Holiness is not something you fall into rather holiness is something that you must intentionally pursue even in the midst of your busiest season of the year.
3 Things
Plan to sabbath. You need it more than you know. Plan to unplug from the Facebook, the twitter, and yes even that Instagram. Let your people know that you will be unavailable that day, be with your wife and your family. Take time for you and the Lord. It will be good for you soul.
Friends are good. Plan time with your friends. Make sure you are still living in Christ-centered community with your closest friends. This season will make it harder to hang out and have down time so plan to hang out and invite godly guys into your life.
Be healthy. Eat and Sleep. Going, going, going all the time may force you to eat quick fast food meals that are very unhealthy for you. Grab a pack of Emergen-C, an apple, and some peanut butter. Forego the ever-delightful McRib that makes its yearly debut every summer. Protect your time and as much as possible strive for the ever elusive 8 hours of R.E.M. If you don’t sleep your body will break down sooner or later. Be a good steward of what the Lord has given you.
Serving with you,
Fellow Laborer.