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Inside His Mind

Inside His Mind

Disclaimer: Sensitive subject matter. Parental guidance advised.


When did it happen? Was in it his luxurious childhood? His social life being nonexistent? His ghost-like observations of his fellow students experiencing the “life” he desperately craved? God is the only One who knew the dark anatomy of his heart and mind.

On May 23, a tragedy unraveled in Santa Barbara, Calif., when 22 year-old Elliot Rodger first murdered his three roommates, then went on to unleash rage through the pistol and erratic driving throughout the area, killing seven (including himself) and injuring 13, in total.

Evil exists. It is impossible to understand because these things should never happen; it should only be contained within action movies. As social media has made its way into our lives in the past decade, the communication source has become an outlet for many people to where one can say what they want to say uncensored, but would never dare to say in reality.

When I heard that Rodger posted a string of blogs (a video diary), my curiosity began to stir. I wanted to piece it together myself and try to figure out how Rodger got to this point of hopelessness, and ultimately to the demise of innocent people and himself.

What I had found throughout these video diaries was eerie, to the degree where someone could have the ability to violently scrape the very depths of their soul, resulting in bleeding depression, yet contradicting his oozing “confidence”. Rodger could not seem to cope with these struggles in his life, and it breaks my heart that he had experienced a loneliness no one needs to experience.

God did not create a life in mind where we all have to fend for ourselves. We need each other. Satan had gotten ahold and taken advantage of his mental state, convincing him that all is lost; there is no way such a hope exists.

The frustrations he had, we’ve all experienced. One way or another, we all have experienced that excruciating pang of rejection, which often invites a season of loneliness; a season that seems to never end; where it’s always winter, and never Christmas.

I know many people who are single, and it just blows my mind. It’s just like, ‘Why have you not met anyone yet? Who wouldn’t want you?!’ We often compare our journeys with one another that Christ has prepared for us, a specific mission that only we can fulfill. That is like fitting a puzzle piece that is not meant for the puzzle it’s trying to fit in.

God, one day or someday, will place all of us in a season of loneliness, some more than others. And it will not be because He wants to leave us; it’s so that from that season of loneliness, we will not take Him for granted, as well as the hope that is found on the blood-stained cross, blood that belonged to Jesus. And it is only through Him and His blood, we experience and see true love. In silence, we truly experience the essence of God.

After witnessing what was going on in Rodger’s life and his effort to condense his life within those videos, I felt his isolation and his pain. Yet, it seemed like he chose to be an outcast because of the condition of his heart.

Financially, he was pretty safe, and lived an enriched life. From what Rodger said in his videos, he believed that love was only found in intimate, human relationships and that he should’ve received freely, like it was owed to him. The following are statements from Rodger himself, and are a thread of themes I had noticed in his videos:

Girls, all Ive ever wanted is to love you, and to be loved by you. The human heart is designed to yearn for companionship, but God made us more complex than that. The purpose of relationships is to reflect the love between God and His son, not what is portrayed in the twisted perspective the world has with one night stands and “friends with benefits”.

But you think I am unworthy of it (love). That’s a crime that can never be forgiven. If he were in a relationship with someone, this characteristic, despite who it is, should be a red flag. The incapability to forgive shows signs of mistrust, and basically tells your partner that they are illegitimate in their commitment. The ultimate commitment and bleeding love of Christ proves that He forgives of all sin, no matter how extreme, and still chooses to love us. That is what forgiveness is; Jesus thought you are worth it, Elliot, or else He wouldn’t have experienced/chosen such a horrific death.

You never showed me any mercy, so I will show you none. God did not have to create a way for us to become redeemed. He had every right to leave us condemned and out of His sight. But He loves us to a point where He is willing to sacrifice His only son that we may live. I believe by that act, we have no right whatsoever to say “have no mercy;” that’s a God/Jesus-only position. If you were to come face-to-face with Rodger, not knowing what he was going to do, would you have shown him compassion and mercy like Jesus would?

These videos captured the potential of how dark the human heart and soul can be, before Christ encounters them. Christ’s light is the only One who can conquer our inner darkness.


Photo: Elliot Rodger’s Google+
Netflix Binging

Netflix Binging

If you have a spare $8.00 a month, it is very likely, in this day and age, to spend it on the online plethora of all films and TV shows ever in existence: Netflix. As one of the many college students who find refuge and an escape through the film-saturated center, it is very easy for me to get lost in a film or show that Netflix suggests for me; it’s almost like it knows me as a person.

But God knows me better than myself, and it is by the grace of God that I know I can find all refuge, comfort and sanity through His son, Jesus Christ. It is in Him I find true joy, even though I may not always directly find it in Him as I should.

Netflix is a downfall for many, whether they realize it or not. We always have that bad day every once in a while, and it almost seems like it is impossible to recover from it.

So, what do we do? We try to escape from all forms of reality, and get lost in a film or show that seems to be doing life right. And while you are lost in the plot line of another person’s life in that film or show, the Netflix “paramedics” stops the streaming, giving you three options: You can relive the plot from the beginning, continue playing or go back “home.” I joke with friends that the reason Netflix does that is to make sure we are alive since there was no activity for a long period of time.

But in all seriousness, are we alive? In today’s society and culture, we have found ourselves hungering and thirsting for gods that do not deserve to reign over the human heart, because they did not design the human heart. This has been a timeless struggle, as far as the time of Moses before he was about to reveal the guidelines as the people of God should place themselves under.

In Exodus 32, as Moses was descending Mount Sinai, the people were waiting in anticipation as to what he has to say, for he was their leader. It felt like ages to them as he was bringing down the tablets etched by the very fingers of God. The people could not wait any longer for God’s word that they needed to find a fix for their hungry souls, and fast. The insecurity within their souls were revealed for the want of a tangible object as their god, ironically a god that was made of gold and something they could control and comprehend.

God cannot be comprehended, and that’s why I believe that is why people are fearful or in denial of His existence. Because He does not fit into our psyche, and His workings cannot always be understood.  Creating gods or even making ourselves “God” has become the norm; that we have complete control over every precise detail of our lives. But in doing so, we have put complete faith in gods that cannot respond to the cries from our souls. They cannot satisfy, comfort or love us; those gods symbolize the emptiness within us, without Christ.

There are many gods that have claimed territory on today’s earthly playground. And the most disturbing thing of all is that even the good things in our lives such as food, entertainment, romance, money and even family can become the fixation of a god, in place of the one true God.

“Gods at War” by Kyle Idleman put it into perspective for me personally of what my personal gods were. One of them included the god of entertainment.

I have an undeniable passion, as you will see in future posts, for filmmaking and the anatomy of the camera. I am that person that when you watch a movie with me and I will be like, “Oh! Nice, beautiful shot! What a smooth pan!” Netflix has so many films and shows to choose from, it’s hard to stop the streaming if it automatically transitions you to the next episode or film.

But God’s purpose for humanity does not only include streaming on Netflix, but much more. He wants us to dip into the stream of life, which is Christ Himself; the Living Water.

So, the next time the Netflix “paramedics” check in on you and ask to continue playing, what will you do? Continue playing, or take a break and spend time with the Creator of all things?