by Katie Gilbert | May 18, 2017
I love the mountains. They are a pure demonstration of God’s great design on this earth. They exude strength and majesty, regardless if they are covered with snow or basking in the sunlight.
My family has visited Colorado almost every year since I was born, so my affinity for mountains is no surprise. The photo featured is from our last visit in August 2016. This year was the first time in awhile that for several days the clouds hung low on the mountains. It felt like suddenly a roof had been lowered on the town because you couldn’t see through the clouds to the blue sky.
Recently I’ve had this feeling again. A lot right now in my life feels like the roof above me is closing in. Between a family emergency and feeling like I am struggling to be mentally, spiritually and physically healthy, these clouds of fear and stress have laid heavily upon me, day-to-day.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Isa. 60:1).
On Easter weekend “the glory of the Lord” shone through these clouds. Both during the Good Friday service at my church and Easter morning, He reminded me something that seems so simple but easy for me to forget. One point our pastor made was: Stop fearing what can’t kill you. I get so easily caught up in the day-to-day that I let the things of the world scare and intimidate me.
He has won.
Regardless of my troubles and anguish He has won, and He is the reason that we have nothing to fear.
I hope that you are able to see God’s light past clouds that may be looming, that you would understand these are just the things of this world, and the Lord will bring you past them.
by Katie Gilbert | Apr 19, 2017
“A picture is worth a thousand words”
Merriam-Webster defines this phrase saying it is “used to say that it is often easier to show something in a picture than to describe it with words.”
This English idiom has been used throughout the decades and it is something I heard often sharing a photo that someone thought was particularly intriguing.
Photography has always been apart of how I identified myself. I started off my young “career” by posing my Barbies in their doll house and taking pictures of my little sister way too close to her face. I continued this venture by breaking two of my parent’s cameras and going through way too many disposable cameras. I now own a more professional DSLR camera to take photos. However, my subjects now aren’t six inches tall and made of plastic.
All this to say… this is my first blog. I debated a lot on what to write about because, honestly, I will always be a visual communicator before a written one. So my plan is to share some photos with you, but also tell you the story behind them. I had this inspiration to give background to my photos after my dad shared his thoughts with me.
My dad experienced first-hand my passion for photography bloom. He saw his weird kid taking pictures of random plants and objects only to be surprisingly impressed by the printed photo that resulted. He said he quickly understood that I was telling a story he couldn’t see.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8
My hope in each photo and story I tell is that I give God the glory for this eye He has given me. My desire is to take photos that help change the world for His glory through visual story telling. I hope the stories behind these photos will be a blessing to you as well!