by Ginger Gann | Mar 29, 2017
As a rebellious teen, my ambitious tongue often times ran on ahead of my logic. Ranting and raving, while motivated by emotion, I’d hear myself say things like:
- “I wish I was 18 so I could do what I want!”
- “Eighteen year-olds don’t have to do the polite thing, responsible thing or the hard thing just ‘because I said so.’”
- “Sometimes I wish I had never been born!”
In August, 1988, I fell in love with Jesus, so to speak. I gave my heart away, vowing to live only for Him. HE listens to me. HE cares about my struggles. He calms my soul and eases my fear.
Soon, motivated by hard times and emotion, I hear myself say:
- “I wish I didn’t even know about Jesus.”
- “If I didn’t know Jesus, I wouldn’t have to do the responsible thing, the right thing, or the hard thing just ‘because HE said so.’”
Contrary to popular belief, life is hard – even when you love Jesus.
I hear myself say, “Sometimes I wish I had never been born–again!”
Maybe you can relate.
Maybe there are some things you’re wishing for too.
You may be right in the middle of a hard place right now. Disappointment, fueled by a hot temper, has you primed for a good little hissy-fit! Maybe you hear yourself saying things like:
- “This is not what I signed up for!”
- “Where are you God?”
- “Why is this happening?”
- “Sometimes I wish I …”
One evening, during a particular hard spell several years ago, I latched onto Isaiah 45. In these particular Bible verses, God (through Isaiah) introduces a man by the name of Cyrus, a man who wouldn’t even exist for another 200 years. God promises to go before Cyrus to break down gates of iron, level mountains and make the crooked places straight. He promises to give him hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places.
A promise God absolutely kept – Amazing!
This Scripture tells me there will be hard places, road blocks and disappointments in my life. However, if God would go to the trouble to do these things for Cyrus, a man who didn’t even acknowledge God, how much more will He do for me? And for you! Not because of who I am, or who you are, but because of “Whose” we are.
I am His child. You are His child. And for this reason, our ambitious Heavenly Father goes off ahead of emotions and waits to meet me, and you, right in the middle of all the crooked places. He is there, breaking down barriers and keeping promises –just like He said He would. Makes me wish I would have figured this out sooner. Makes me want to be careful what I wish for …how about you?
So today, I wish for a grateful heart to appreciate:
- A loving God who understands and forgives even the rantings of a rebellious child.
- Hidden treasures, and blessings beyond measure that I often fail to see on this side of my iron gates.
- The way he continues to love, guide, and mold me, while smoothing out all of my hard places until my “wish” is literally what he commands.
… “because HE says so.” Yes, Lord!
“I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart” (Jer. 24:7).
by Ginger Gann | Jan 3, 2017
My Labradoodle – she acts just like a toddler.
I’m not saying she is spoiled. But… let’s just say she has become accustomed to certain expectations being met.
Last year, challenging circumstances prevented us from following our normal life routine. For several months, start and stop times for our daily activities were skewed. We weren’t able to supply this pampered pooch with her normal life “treats”. No morning hide-and-seek, no evening walk, no Frisbee, no Rachel Ray soup bones. Day after day spent completely void of every predictable tail-wagging delight.
One evening coming home late, I received no greeting at the door. Searching the house, I discovered her lying on the floor, head down on paws – looking just pitiful. In the moment my heart whispered “awe… you poor thing”. My head however, couldn’t help but fashion a big ol’ smile.
You see, what she has no way of knowing at the time is –In two short days, she will be face-to-the-wind. Surfing the lake. Posed like Vogue on the bow of a Pontoon. Hiking trails. Hotdogs by campfire. Running with lightening bugs.
The plans we have for her include everything she loves.
Blessings of joy marked on the calendar –which she knows nothing about.
Yet, here she sits –sulking, just like a toddler.
This past year, you may have been accustomed to some “things.”
You may have certain expectations which are far from being met. You may be experiencing circumstances preventing you from enjoying your “normal life routine.” Days, weeks, maybe even months void of anything to wag your tail about. 2016, might have been just a little “skewed.” Okay… a LOT skewed!
You may be tempted to just lay down and look pitiful.
I understand. Especially when expectations have crossed right on over into bitter disappointment –possibly even full blown despair.
Don’t do it! Don’t give up. Lift your head up, my friend. You have no idea what God has penciled in, just for you, on the family calendar! It’s a new day, it’s a new year. Dog days are over. God is working on a new thing!
Watch for it.
Position yourself next to the door of your heart, then wait – expectantly! You won’t be waiting in vain, I promise.
“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation My God will hear me” (Micah 7:7).
Here are some things to do while you wait:
1. See for yourself, in these scripture examples below, just what your God could be up to for your life in 2017.
- Joseph – Genesis 45
- Hadassah – Book of Esther
- Rahab – Joshua 2
- Woman at the well – John 4
- The Widow – 2 Kings 4
2. Begin now to thank God, in advance, for all the good things He has written on your kingdom calendar.
3. Keep a journal – document every tail wagging treat God brings your way in 2017.
This year, resolve to attend a Bible-believing church or doctrinally-sound small group, or join a Sunday school class. Then, share how God turns your sorrow to joy and your weeping to dancing.
Be a head lifter.
Be an encouragement to those around you, who still wait – expectantly!
“This God — His way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him” (Psalm 18:30).
by Ginger Gann | Dec 7, 2016
My mom makes the best baked beans on the planet. But, like the Bush family, her recipe is a well-guarded secret. You might not be interested in knowing my mom’s secret for the perfect pot of baked beans. Even if you are, I hope no one would encourage me to breach a confidence. But, on the other hand, if someone held the secret to surviving the Christmas holidays, this may be one secret you would definitely want to hear.
Fortunately for all of us, the Apostle Paul not only holds the secret to surviving Christmas, but he also shares it wholeheartedly in the fourth chapter of the book of Philippians.
“I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles. Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid more than once when I was in need. Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account. I have received full payment and have more than enough. I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen” (Phil. 4:10-20).
Ahh! There it is… did you catch it? Tucked within these verses, Paul shares his secret for not only surviving the hustle and bustle of Christmas, but also for living contently in 2017 (and beyond).
We have all seen the TV commercials, read the books and listened to the sermons. Christmas should bring joy, right? Regrettably, for many, the Christmas holidays offer the opposite. As a matter of fact, statistically, the rate of depression is higher during the holidays than at any other time of the year. Anxiety and stress creep in while we attempt to create perfect Instagram memories for the entire family. Depression only increases as we search for the perfect gift for the boss who has everything, or plan the perfect holiday gathering that will go viral on Facebook. We are completely overwhelmed by the challenge of finding some way to pull off the perfect holiday, while at the same time, remaining within budget and not strangling our mother-in-law who is “just trying to help.”
It seems the Christmas star shines more light on what we lack than what we’ve already been given.
How depressing.
Wait! Don’t switch off of your Sirius XM channel 783 just yet. According to Paul, there is still hope.
Through the verses found in Phil. 4:10-20, the Apostle Paul tells us he knows we are experiencing some hard times, and he can relate. He has seen some drama in his day too, and he has a secret to share with us.
His secret: finding contentment by not looking to the gift – but by looking to the gift GIVER.
Yeah, I know. You are probably thinking this sounds more like dialogue from a Hallmark Christmas movie than a life changing secret. Keep reading.
When Paul was in need (great need) verse 10, 14, 18 tell us he found contentment (gratitude, serenity, satisfaction, pleasure), the very opposite of anxiety – not with the gift(s) but with the fellowship (companionship) of the gift giver.
Paul found joy in knowing his friend Epaphroditus took an interest in his wellbeing. Paul’s heart is content, filled with gratitude over Epaphroditus personally taking the opportunity (verse 10) to show his love, concern and support. Verse 14 says, “Yet, it was good of you to share in my troubles.” In verse 18, Paul tells us he “is amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent.” Not amply supplied by the gifts themselves, but by what he received from the one bringing gifts – time spent with his friend.
Here is the first part of the secret. Find contentment, be satisfied and amply supplied (in your heart) this Christmas with the ‘presence’ of those you love, not by the presents under the tree.
Look to the giver not the gift.
The second part of Paul’s secret, to surviving Christmas, is found in verses 12, 13, 19-20. Paul knows no matter what this crazy world offers, God the ultimate gift-giver offers more. How does he know? Verse 12 says, “I have LEARNED…” – having much knowledge acquired by study. Paul learned, studied, experienced, spent time with his God. As Paul fellowships with God, the secret is revealed. Through relationship with our God, over time, the characters of God, the promises of God, the secrets of God’s love and provision are revealed to us. Peace, at last (which makes no sense in the natural) and contentment can be found in any and every circumstance (even at the mall).
When looking to the gift giver, we can not only make it through the holidays, but we also can rejoice, knowing God will meet all of our real needs (verse 19). The truth is, we do have real needs, even at Christmas. No matter the circumstance we face, (even if God chooses to take us home) we will find strength in our fellowship with Him and through the companionship of others to make the journey.
Be the gift givers this Christmas season. Take the opportunity to offer your presence, care and fellowship. Bring someone in need the gift of hope, love, and contentment found only in the one true Living God.
Share the secret! Merry Christmas~ John 3:16
by Ginger Gann | Nov 10, 2016
Benjamin Franklin, William Willett, George W. Bush and Coldplay – what does this group of seemingly mismatched men have in common? They each play a roll, or have an interest in saving time. Better said, their interest is in seizing opportunity to make good use of time, while saving coal, candles and kilowatts. Beginning in March 1918, we here in the U.S. set our clock forward by an hour, only to fall back again the first Sunday in November.

I don’t have statistical data about the amount of wax we’ve managed to save over the years, but I do agree we should not only save time, but we should also seize every opportunity to use our time – to save.
In Acts 3, two of 12 from another list of seemingly mismatched men, were making their trek up to Jerusalem to pray in the temple. There at the temple gate sat a man lame from birth, begging. The Bible says in verses 3-6, “When he saw Peter and John about to enter the temple complex, he asked for help. Peter, along with John, looked at him intently and said, ‘Look at us.’ So he turned to them, expecting to get something from them. But Peter said, ‘I don’t have silver or gold, but what I have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!’”
And he did!
Taking time out to save, on this otherwise ordinary day, altered everything –for all time (pun intended).
This man “jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him” (Acts 3:9-10).
A couple things:
The disciples could have passed right on by this man, without noticing him, as I imagine they have done before. This is not the first visit to the temple for any of these three men. This day is different. This day Peter, John and the Holy Spirit made their way to the temple to pray. This time, the disciples looked at this lame man, and according to verse 5 – he saw them too!
- As disciples, we should be looking each day for new opportunities to be used by God.
After seeing these followers of Jesus, the Bible says the lame man expected something. Peter and John were known, and they were known to have been with Jesus. When you have a reputation as a Jesus follower, people expect something from you. Peter said, “I don’t have silver or gold, but what I have…” You may not have everything some folks need, but what you do have (love, respect, grace, kindness, forgiveness, faith, strength, joy) give it!
- Doing nothing, when given an opportunity to do something in the name of Jesus, is not an option.
That day at the Temple gate, this lame man received much more than he ever expected. He is now saved from his disability, yes, but he knew instantly he had been saved from far more than a physical circumstance. While this man took time to express his overwhelming gratitude, through praise and worship, others were watching. The people stood amazed, as Peter explained by what name and power this miracle took place. As a result, Acts 4:4 says, “many who heard the message believed. The number of men who were saved grew to about 5,000.”
I pray we never underestimate what can be done through each of us, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name above all names – Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
A man ahead of his time!
by Ginger Gann | Oct 17, 2016
A couple of weeks ago, I contacted all of my children, their spouses, their children, their grandparents, their aunts/uncles, cousins and a few other close friends. My goal was to book the date and time for one of our favorite annual family gatherings.
After approximately 11 phone calls, and at least half as many texts, we finally settled on a date we all thought maybe, sort of, kind of, quite possibly, just might work out for most of us. Holding onto this small glimmer of hope I press on!
To accommodate, I rescheduled personal appointments, double up on several errands and shuffle around a variety of other “must-dos,” clearing my calendar for the big day. Reservations are made. Tickets purchased. Soon, groceries and other necessary things will be bought, packed, loaded up and hauled out to the event site.
Once the long busy week comes to an end, and the big day is finally here, I will arrive several hours early to set up. Everything will be put into place for all of our fire-pit dog roasting, s’mores making and hay-wagon riding fun times which will continue way beyond sundown.
That evening, with every single ounce of energy left in my body, I WILL enjoy my time with my family! Oh yes ma’am! I will – even if it kills me!! I’ll get in there and carve my pumpkin with the best of them!
When it’s all over, with s’mores sticky fingers, I’ll tear it all down, load it all up, drive 45 minutes home, put it all away, drag my fanny up those stairs, and as I fall into my bed with an achy back and swollen feet, with a big ol’ smile on my face, I’ll say, “Wow! Now THAT was rejuvenating! Who knew planning a day of ‘rest and relaxation’ could be this exhausting?!”
Then I will fall fast asleep planning for next year. Can I get a witness?? Yes, I know I can! Rest is hard work!
I’m convinced we have become a generation of restLESS people! We are hamsters on the wheel of life in an ever-spinning world!
Mr. Vasco asked of his friend Mr. Curly, “What is worth doing, and what is worth having?”
“It is worth doing nothing, and it is worth having a rest”, advises the sagacious Mr. Curly. “In spite of all the difficulty it may cause, you MUST rest, Vasco. Otherwise, you will become RESTLESS!” – Michael Leunig
Did you know, depending on what version the Bible you read, God mentions “rest” in His word more than 500 times? He is so serious about our physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing (where rest is concerned), He gave us a personal example to follow in Genesis 2.
If that isn’t enough, like a good parent who knows what is best, He commands us to rest in Exodus 20. Yet, the area where Christians can be found to be negligent, when it comes to obeying Gods Word, is in the area of rest. It seems we just don’t have the energy for it.
I think Mr. Curly gives his friend great advice, we really MUST learn to rest! Perhaps Mr. Curly is a good friend of Jesus too.
Because Jesus says: “The thief (Satan) comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)” (John 10:10).
“Having a rest” really is worth doing!
So, as you begin yet another busy week:
- Get your Bible out and read what God has to say about rest.
- Get your phone out and contact the people you love.
- Make a plan to come together for some food, fun, fellowship and REST (for your weary heart and soul).
- Mark your calendar and make it happen!
Nothing really is worth doing.
Blessings as you ‘be still’ and find rest in HIM.
“Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:28).