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Showing up for God

Showing up for God

I’m not sure where it happened or why it has happened, but for some reason, Christian people don’t think that going to church on a regular basis is really that important. There is this mindset that gathering once a week with other Christians corporately is not truly a necessity to vibrant Christian growth.

D.L. Moody says, “Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich healthy blood is to a sick man.”  

As soon as you start pushing a little on this idea, people start saying stuff like, “Don’t be legalistic, we’re free from all that stuff.” And I will says yes and amen to that idea as well, but we’re free to do what we OUGHT to do, not what we WANT to do.

Why is it that most of the time we miss or skip church? We can make excuses, but at the end of the day, we do what we want to do.  Many times we miss out on church due to selfish reasons.  The truth is, we skip church most of the time because we are more interested in doing other things. That’s really sad. Being active in a local church has many rewards and benefits.




*Having a sense of belonging and purpose.

*Having a mission

And the list can continue.  I want you to read this verse and see how important being apart of church body truly is.

“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near”  (Heb. 10:19-25). 

In short, the Lord is saying don’t skip church, even though so many are doing that on a regular basis.  Don’t abandon each other. Church is important. Gathering together is vital to a healthy walk on your Christian journey.

If you have the ability to grow stronger in your Christian faith, why would you want to ignore that possibility? Push past being mediocre and strive for excellence.

I don’t understand Jen Hatmaker

I don’t understand Jen Hatmaker

I honestly don’t understand. If you claim to know Jesus and are representing Him on a major level in the world today, why you would stand against the things His WORD stands against. WHY?

I’ve been watching with some amazement and sorrow the tumbling down of Jen Hatmaker.  I never really sat and listened to a lot of her stuff, but my wife liked her. And when I saw on social media the other day where she was approving of sin and not just approving, but was willing to help others indulge in sin, I got really concerned.

This is a problem.  A BIG problem.

2 Timothy 4:3 says: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.”

There is always a pull for public speakers and preachers to ‘go softer’ in tone and go softer in hopes of ‘pulling more people in.’ This is such a bait and switch of the devil.

You see, there is a war that is being waged right now, and the side you take will determine your future.  The devil is always looking for ways to steal, kill and destroy us (John 10:10). And this is one way he does it. Make us believe the lie that God’s Word really did not mean what it says.

You see, if he can distract you from the truth for just long enough then he’s got you. We need to make the best use of our time because the days are truly twisted and evil.

Follow pastors and speakers who hold the Scripture in the highest regard. Listen to preachers who proclaim the whole council of God, even the stuff that makes you uncomfortable. When we allow sin to rule and rest in our lives we start to get comfy. That’s dangerous.

I honestly am not rejoicing in what Jen is doing. It breaks my heart that now I have to add another author/speaker to a list of ‘do not touch.’

My prayer is a prayer for repentance. That’s what we need.

Be willing to call sin, sin, and don’t dance around it.  Even if it’s sin you’re engaged in. Call it for what it is and repent and move TO God rather than away.

It’s a much safer and pleasant place!




My answer for a mid-week meltdown

My answer for a mid-week meltdown

Yesterday I had a mini melt down. I felt like a big steamy pile of mess – both physically and mentally.

Everything about my day was really a struggle and a trial. I laid on my couch and tossed and turned and had a pity party, which is just insane because I just got done teaching a large group of guys on how good God is to us.

Many people seem to think because I travel around the country and preach and teach on the message of salvation and the power of Jesus that I never struggle. That’s a lie. I struggle.

There are days I feel like I’m too big of a mess for anyone (including Jesus) to actually love me. Instead of rushing to my knees to find God to be my sufficiency, I started looking at the circumstances around me, and I get worried, and I get fearful – even though I have no reason to be either of those I default to those positions.

How crafty is the enemy. When we get tired and sick, our focus turns to the wrong things, and that’s when all you-know-what breaks loose in our lives.

I did not want to go to mid-week prayer service and Bible study at my church. I wanted to just stay on the couch. But I said to myself, “This is more than likely when you need to be there.”  So I made myself go, and what a blessing I received.

Being with church family was just what I needed. I needed to hear about other people’s struggles and successes. I heard about the goodness of God, even in our struggles. Other godly men came around and prayed for me, even though I was being somewhat of a baby.  How good is that?!

Being in a community of other believes who are FOR YOU really is the answer!  Being in a community of Christ follower who are all looking to Jesus TOGETHER really does change the perspective on everything.

When I stopped and allowed God to move, things started to change. I woke up different today. The day was fresh. The day was new.

Were some of my same struggles and trials there? You bet, but guess what? I know the ONE who overcomes those trials was right beside me, and HE’s making sure I can take my next step.



Dear 13-year-old me

Dear 13-year-old me

My son turns 13 this week. I’m writing a letter to 13-year-old me, and I’m giving it to him. I hope and pray that he will tuck this hummer away and pull it out later in life and A) Laugh; B) Cry; C) Look at how good God has been. So I wanted to share the letter with you all too. What would you say to 13-year-old you?

Dear 13-year-old me,

I know you think that you’re never going to get to certain points in your life.  I know you think that life is super slow right now, but I can promise you that you’re going to get there, quicker than you can actually realize. You’re going to blink, and this thing is going to be over. Breathe for a minute.

There are going to be people who come in and out of your life. The ones who are willing to commit to making you a better person are the ones you want to keep around you. So check out this verse:  “Hear my son, your father’s instruction and forsake not your mother’s instruction” (Prov. 1:8).

I know you think your mom and dad are crazy sometimes, but honestly, they are smarter than you can understand.  LISTEN TO THEM!  The wisdom that is coming from their lips is not just a bunch of junk. It’s WISDOM!  You’re going to want it one day, I can promise you that. Soak up all the information you can from them, and then apply in your life!

Let’s talk girls for a second! I know they are turning into quite the item in your head right now. Trust me, I know!  Don’t go crazy over them. There is plenty of time to think about girls. I mean this. Take time to invest in YOU and your spiritual life.  If you’re emotionally and spiritually healthy, there will come a point where your relationship with girls will be healthy too.

Don’t freak out over little stuff.  Seriously, you do that! There are things that you’re going to stress out about in the coming four years, and they are really not that big of a deal.  Here is what I want you to really focus on – JESUS! I know that sounds really simplistic. But I mean it, if you put every ounce of your focus on Jesus now, life is going to be much simpler and less filled with drama.

There will come a point in your life when you’re going to make some pretty major choices. Before you say yes or no to anything, take at least an hour to pray it over, that is, unless you KNOW it’s wrong. If so, just say no to it.  Prayer is going to be one of the biggest things in your life. Do more of it. I mean it.

Figure out what you LOVE to do.  Figure out what makes your come alive and figure out a way to be able to do that with your life.  Don’t succumb to the pressure that will be on you. Enjoy your life. And do stuff that will make a difference. Be EXCELLENT at the things you do. Go big.  Go for what you really want, and don’t let fear stop you from achieving what you want to do. Because I know you can do it!

Tell the people around you, who you really love and care about, that you love them. I mean it. Tell them all the time how much you love them. You never know how quickly they will no longer be around.

Lastly, make Jesus the main thing. He’s all that matters. One day, you’re going to blink, and you’ll be standing in front of HIM, and all the stuff you’ve achieved will be meaningless if he’s not the primary motive and drive in your life. Jesus has to be what makes you move and breathe.

Open the Bible more than you do now. His word is going to shape and mold you into a man one day. Never stop diving in to it. Make Jesus and Heaven your ultimate goal. Don’t forget to tell everyone you come in contact with how great Jesus is! Hug your mom and dad more!

Love everyone with incredible fierceness. Never stop loving! Even when it gets rough, never stop. KEEP GOING!  KEEP PRESSING ON!  DON’T QUIT! You’ve got this! You are the man!

I’m proud of you!


37-year-old you!

If you are afraid, read this

If you are afraid, read this

We live in a world of fear. And honestly there is a truck load of stuff of which to be fearful. But here is the thing. As children of God, we have been called as HIS kids to not be afraid.  In fact Joshua 1:9 says: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Did you see that?  Have I not COMMANDED YOU?  I have read this verse a few times, and it’s amazing how recently it has galvanized in my own life.

We don’t need to fear stuff.  Why?  Because God is WITH US wherever we go. I want that to sink in for just a second.  WITH. US.

That means we’re not alone. That means He’s right beside you cheering you on, guiding you, interceding for you.

HE’S WITH US! That should really push us to the next level. That should give us the confidence we need to be “strong and courageous” to walk through the doors we need to, knowing that Jesus, Himself, is with us, and we’re not alone!

So wherever you are today, stop for just a few moments and press in to the person of Jesus Christ. Ask him to give you the guidance you need to not fear the places you need to go, the conversations you need to have, the people you need to engage, and the choices you need to make!  DON’T BE AFRAID!  He’s with YOU!

Go get ’em!!!