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Three Things NOT to Stop When You’re In Pain

Three Things NOT to Stop When You’re In Pain

Have you ever had a moment or season in life that was just awful? You know what I’m saying? A season that totally knocked you down, and you thought you just might be out for a while?

Maybe you lost a loved one. Maybe there was a breakup that just shattered you to your core. Maybe there was something that just caused you to physically hurt because of emotional pain. Regardless of what it was, all you knew in that moment was THIS. HURTS!!

When your heart is hurt or you’ve been damaged by another person many times, the last thing you want is someone telling you something to try to help.  But many times this is exactly what we need.

Here are three things you should NOT stop doing or being a part of when you’re hurt.

1. Don’t stop praying.  “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess. 5:16-18).

Prayer changes things in our lives.  This is the last thing that we DON’T need to stop doing.  Jesus brings freedom.  Jesus brings redemption.  Why would you want to stop talking to the ONE person who could change everything?  That’s just plain nuts.  Pray always!

2. Don’t stop reading your Bible.For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4:12).

God’s word is so powerful.  It has the answers you need.  Don’t think for one second that ignoring the Bible will help your situation.  It won’t. Actually if you ignore God’s word, it will end up hurting you in the long run. Keep reading and immersing yourself in God’s word!  It will bring you to life!

3. Don’t stop going to church.  “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:24-25).

Community is so important!  Being around people who love Jesus and share the mission of Christ will only help in the long run. This is the place where you NEED to be when you’re hurting.  This is where we gather to come along side each other and bring each other encouragement and love.

A little side note, dear church folks, we need to make people feel welcome.  I mean don’t just invite.  Make them feel like they are actually welcome in your church! If they show up, make a big deal about them being there! Why? Because Jesus makes a big deal about you and them too, so we should be making a big deal about each other!  Love each other well!

These are just some starters, but if you’re hurting today, don’t give up!  Keep pressing into what Jesus is calling you into.  Keep getting up.

Keep looking to Jesus as the author and perfecter of your life!

What If Christian Men Took Jesus As Serious As Football?

What If Christian Men Took Jesus As Serious As Football?

Football season is over. Men all over the country are in mourning.

The thing that really just blows my mind is how we as men take this thing called football so seriously.  I know men who know every stat and every ounce of information that they can possibly know about certain players or team, and the sad thing is, they don’t really even know these players personally.

If I knew everything there was to know about you and your job…like what time you took breaks and your title and how well you did your job, you’d be totally creeped out, right?   But yet we are OK with doing this with football players and sports guys in general. I think we need to take a hard look at how much time we spend focusing on these men.

Look at these verses, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Heb. 12:2-3).

I think the reason we have so many issues and hardships with men inside the church world is because our focus is on what it should not be.  We have made sports a god, and as a result, we grow weary. We put so much effort and stock in these men and these teams that when they “let us down” or lose, we grow depressed, sad, angry or weary. Why?  Because we have turned sports into something that they were never meant to be.  It should be entertainment, and that’s it. But sadly we’ve turned sports into a god.

The thing that I find really interesting is that these same guys who have memorized all of these stats about their favorite player and sports teams also say they have a hard time memorizing Bible verses.  Bottom line is, we invest and do what we want to do. Men do things for a payoff.  If we saw or viewed that there was a big payoff for spending time in the Bible we’d do it more. But the sad thing is, there is a massive payoff in time in God’s word!  We grow closer to Jesus. That’s a massive payoff.

What would happen if we as MEN approached church, the Bible and Jesus the way we approach sports?  What would happen if we put in as much time, energy, passion, resources and drive into the three things I mentioned?  What would our communities look like?  What would our church services look like? How strong would our families be?  I think if men took all of the above things this serious, everything would change!

Let’s do something a little bigger and little different in church this year!  Let’s invest!  Let’s bring men to the foot of the cross!

That Time I Met Rascal Flatts and Learned About Jesus

That Time I Met Rascal Flatts and Learned About Jesus

Several years ago, my friend Blake was on tour with Rascal Flatts. He was in charge of all the tour’s social media stuff.  Blake called me the day he was in town and said, “Hey man! You want to come down to the show? I’ll have tickets ready for you.”

I was like: YES!  So Jamie and I went down to the concert expecting to pick up tickets at the Will Call desk.  So when I got there, I called Blake and said “We are here. Where do I go?”

He said, “’Come over by where the buses are, around back.”

In my mind, I started to freak out, “By the buses!?”  We went around by the buses, and there was tightened security and police. It was insane. I walked up to the gate, and an armed security guy said “Hey, you can’t get in here. This is a restricted area.”

Then, all of the sudden, Blake comes around the corner with two VIP passes on lanyards.  He shouts out four of the best words I’d heard since we got to the venue, “They are with me.”

The security guard looked at me and said “you can pass.”

SCORE! I hugged Blake (I’m a big huger). So we are now walking around in the back where all of the bands are. I’m just in awe of what is happening to me.  Blake said, “Hey man, I have to work on some stuff. You can go to the meet-and-greet line and just hang, and we’ll catch up later.” So Jamie and I go and stand in line with the rest of the meet-and-greet people. We are talking and having a great time.  I keep thinking to myself, “This can’t be real.”

Then, all of the sudden, this guy appears out of nowhere and says to me and Jamie, “Hey you all are not supposed to be here.”

I was like “What?”  He said, “Come with me.”

So we follow this guy around the corner (thinking we are getting kicked out.) He takes us around the corner through a set of doors to another room where we are greeted and welcomed into a room full of food, beverages, and music.

They said. “This is where you wait. This is our VIP room.”

“SHUT UP! Are you serious!?” This night just went from amazing to off-the-chain EPIC!  So we are eating amazing food, drinking good beverages, and then, all of the sudden, they called us up and said, “It’s your time to meet the guys.” So we walked in and got to meet and talk with the guys from Rascal Flatts – really nice guys.  So now, we are ushered out of the room and got to sit right next to the stage and watch the show – amazing show. I called Blake, and he said, “Go down to the front of the stage.”

I walked down again and security greets me and says “You can’t be down here.  You need to leave.”

Then all of the sudden I hear Blake, “They are with me.” The security guard says “Oh, cool, come on over the barrier guys.”

I hugged Blake again, and we walked around back stage again, and he said “You want to go hang out on one of the buses with me?”

Jamie and I both yelped out “YES!” So we hung out on the bus and talked for a bit.  The evening was winding down. We hugged Blake and thanked him for an awesome experience.  Jamie and I drove home on cloud nine that night. I got to thinking about this experience.  I got all of that, not because of what I had done, but rather because of who I knew! I had a friend on the inside!  So because of that, I had all access!  This is just like how our relationship with Jesus is! Look at this verse:

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Rom. 5:1-2).


We gain access to Heaven, grace, mercy and Jesus Christ not because of what we’ve done, but rather because of who we know, and really more importantly, who knows us!  Because of this amazing fact we REJOICE in the HOPE of the Glory of God! Knowing Jesus is the best thing you’ll ever experience!

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph. 2:8-9).

Three Things That Say Marriage Matters

Three Things That Say Marriage Matters

Marriage is under attack like never before, and I’m not even talking about from the homosexual community.  I’m simply talking about marriage inside the church is under attack.

The devil knows if he can get Christian marriages off course and get couples distracted by petty arguments and fights then he can veer them off course from their main objective.  The main objective for a Christian couple is to model Jesus Christ to the lost world around them and to others in their circle of influence.  Jesus created marriage as a picture of His love for the Church.  So our marriages should reflect a bigger message. What are some ways that we as Christians can stay focused on that bigger message?

1. Be aware of the attacks as they come.   “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).

A solider stays on alert. He will never let his guard down. Why? Because he knows the second he does, the enemy will pounce.  There is no difference in the Christian world. Our enemy is always looking for weakness so that he can pounce and devour.  Stay alert!  Be on guard! Especially in your marriage.

2. Be on mission together.  “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Phil 1:27).

We need husbands and wives who have a Gospel-centered mindset together. They both need to be of “one mind striving side-by-side for the faith of the Gospel.” Couples who are viewing their calling as a couple who belong to Jesus fight MUCH less because they are both focused on the mission of getting the Gospel of Jesus Christ out to the world.   You see, they don’t have time to focus on each other flaws because they are busy being on a gospel-centered mission.

3. Be committed to local church together.  “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Heb. 10:24-25).

Historically, if you look at couples that have strong ties to a local church and are committed to a particular church, their marriages are stronger. They are a part of a community that brings real community and accountability, as well as fellowship with other believers who are on the same mission.

Couples who are not very committed to a biblical community lack depth and actual meaning in their relationship.  And sadly, what happens many times is that each person in the marriage starts to put their energy and focus on things that really don’t matter in terms of eternity.  Which will in turn bring a lot of frustration in the marriage. I know that we are all humans, and that sometimes we sin and mess up.  But this is where GRACE has to be active in our lives.  We need to be willing to give and accept grace as husbands and wives.  When we fail, be quick to ask for forgiveness and be quick to offer forgiveness.  In other words, keep short accounts of each other’s flaws and wrong doings (just like Jesus does for you and me).

When we start to live this way, we let the world know that the Gospel is alive and active in our daily lives and marriages.

I Think Sometimes We Don’t Believe God

I Think Sometimes We Don’t Believe God

I think sometimes we don’t believe God.

I know what you’re thinking: “Caleb, how in the world could you say that?!” Well, let me clarify.

I think we understand that we are forgiven, and we get the grace concept, but I think the issue of which we really fail is that God has adopted us. I mean the idea of adoption is that He’s chosen us! He wants us! That’s so much bigger, and that’s way better than just being born a son.  I was CHOSEN.  He said: ‘That one, I want that one, bruised up and everything else that comes along with it.  I want that one.’  He wants me.  He wants you!  He wants to be around me, he wants to commune with me.  He wants to have fellowship with me.  That’s such a big deal.

Look at this.

“Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight” (Eph. 1:4-8).

This means He actually likes us!   I know that most of us look at God as someone who is annoyed with His crazy and disobedient kids, but let me tell you something. Your sin does not and never has caught Jesus off guard. He never looked down in shock at what you’ve done.  He knows it all. And yet, He still wants to be a part of you.  He wants to be WITH YOU! And what’s even bigger is that God does not want to just be with you, he wants ‘LAVISH HIS RICHES AND GRACE UPON YOU.’

That should cause us to shout a little.

I know what folks will say: “Well Caleb, if that’s true this will breed sinful lifestyles.” Not true. If we are truly redeemed and we grasp this concept we run to the Father. A blameless son does not have a reason to hide from his dad! We will WANT to be around him!  A son who thinks he’s dirty will hide from his dad!

This is why I said I don’t think we believe God. Look at that verse. Before the foundations of the world we’ve been made clean! And not because of something we did or did not do.  It was because He loved you.  He LIKED YOU!  He wanted you.

So according to His purpose, He called you out and redeemed you. That’s such a game changer!  Stop living in this realm of ideas that makes you think God is annoyed by you.  He’s not annoyed.  He WANTS YOU!  That’s bigger!  That’s better!  That’s something that will transform your heart and your mind once this takes root in your life.

This will cause you to RUN to him as a blameless SON OR DAUGHTER, not cower in fear as a kid who has no rights or standing.  You have a right standing with God, because of what Jesus did on your behalf.  OWN THAT!