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A short intro once again. It’s cold, by the way.

Here we go!

  1. Building Bridges

I love this video!

These men are pastors of churches in the Oklahoma City area Capital Baptist Association. I have watched it twice. I hope it is shared beyond OKC.

  1. Response to OU students’ video

Clarence Hill is featured in the “Building Bridges” video. He also did an interview this week with KOCO Channel 5 discussing a controversial video involving two OU students who were dismissed from school for making racially insensitive remarks in the video. Check out what Hill had to share here.

“Anger will not get us anywhere,” he said. It’s an excellent interview.

  1. Stitt’s first executive orders

Read here about the initial decisions new Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt has made. These are some bold moves that make a major statement to the state. It is apparent Gov. Stitt wants to be a good steward of state money and wants to hold people accountable. So far, I’m impressed.

  1. Joe Carter explains New York’s new abortion law

I have discussed Joe Carter previously. For this DHD, you’ll get a double dose. We joke at the Messenger office how sometimes we need to wait for Joe Carter to do his “nine things” or “what you should know” articles before we can fully understand a certain current issue.

By now, you have seen much social media coverage on the state of New York passing a law this week that expands the terms of having an abortion. No doubt, I’m disappointed. I agree with every other Christian leader who spoke out against the New York legislature for passing this heinous act.

The best thing about the articles Joe Carter writes is the “matter-of-fact” presentation. Though it’s hard to lay aside emotions, especially in regard to what happened in New York this week, I appreciate how Joe can explain in such a way to help those who disagree at least consider why those of us who value the Sanctity of Human Life are troubled by the practice of abortion and especially at the extreme level this new law allows.

Please check out “New York Reveals Where Fight against Abortion is Headed.”

  1. Carter Part 2

If you’re not familiar with Joe Carter’s writing style, check out this piece he wrote a few years ago about the Black Hebrew Israelites, since they made the news recently.

But that’s not what I wanted to share in this second Carter topic. I actually think I found my favorite article he has written. This week, he wrote “Confessions of a (Recovering) Social Media Fool.” I suggest you read it and then read it again. And then, do a personal study on the Bible verses he mentions.

I came to a similar conclusion less than a year ago that Joe presented. I try to be more conscientious of what I share on Facebook. As he mentions, social media comments can cost a person’s livelihood. But more importantly, social media habits should reflect the other aspects of a Christian’s lifestyle.

“Had I restrained my words on social media,” Joe wrote, “I might have missed a few opportunities to display wit or even wisdom. But I also might have used that time for more productive tasks, such as reading God’s Word, that would have helped me become a man of understanding. While I can’t get back the time I lost, I hope to use my time more fruitfully in the future.”

Thanks Joe for sharing your humility and wisdom.

  1. Inspiration from an unknown small Christian college

It’s official. I’m a fan of Sarah Zylstra’s articles. In previous DHDs I’ve mentioned her articles on Thom Rainer and Frank Reich, and they are both fun, educational reads. They draw me in and cause me to want to know more about the person in her piece. Sarah has a great talent in journalistic writing, and I hope I can meet her someday to pick her brain and find out how she could help me improve my writing.

Her latest story isn’t on a person but a school. Montreat College in North Carolina is the subject. I’ve known about Montreat as a sports opponent to Liberty University, my alma mater and former employer.

Are you looking for an easy “feel-good” read? Do yourself a favor and find out how God worked in bringing this small Christian college from the brink of disbandment. And see if you also enjoy Sarah’s writing in “The Montreat Miracle.”