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Well, I almost completed my DHD. I was to my next-to-last topic when my computer froze on me. Usually, when something like this happens, I can shut it down, but Word seems to be able to retrieve my document. Alas, not the case this time.

So instead of recalling all I wrote in the last four hours (with stoppage for lunch and a few breaks to give Olive attention), I’m just going to be very brief on the topics of which I elaborated.

  1. Thunder thoughts

I’m happy with the latest offseason moves by the Oklahoma City Thunder. Obtaining Paul George is huge. He will help them get close to replicating what the Thunder did two seasons ago.

  1. Caleb Moore’s blog

I also forgot my catchy alliteration subheads. This is such a bummer.

Please check out Caleb Moore’s blog “Difficult days for the spiritual gift of compassion.”

In my first draft I commended Caleb’s exceptional take on how some Christians struggle with adhering to biblical teaching and being compassionate to friends and family members of the LBGTQ community. Just know I would have inspired you with what I wrote that got erased.

  1. Spurgeon’s schedule

And I definitely had some good stuff to say about Charles Spurgeon and how I was fascinated with his weekly schedule. Check out Christian George’s article “How Spurgeon Scheduled His Week.”

There have been some criticism since George’s article was published. David Murray pointed out Spurgeon’s later years of depression and bad health and concluded his aggressive schedule was a contributor.

I don’t edify the magnitude of Spurgeon’s schedule but rather his attitude of which inspired him which was to honor God, pastor the church, shepherd members and mentor preachers while also making time for his family.

Another article about Spurgeon’s schedule encourages readers to make most of their time (Eph. 5:15-17).

  1. Hobby Lobby hubbub

Baptist Press reported on Hobby Lobby and its involvement with obtaining biblical artifacts improperly. Responses have been harsh against the popular arts and crafts store, operated by the Green family. The basis of such harshness is due to many who oppose the Greens’ biblically-based pro-life view, which was the basis of their religious liberty case involving them not providing abortion-induced drugs to employees.

The Greens apologized for their involvement with these artifacts, expressing remorse and admitting they did not act wisely. They also paid a $3 million fine, which almost doubled the value of the artifacts.

I do not justify the Greens’ admitted misconduct, but I also think it’s ridiculous to connect this action to their stance against supporting abortion.

  1. Christian liberals

Dan Doriani’s article “Friendly Theological Liberalism: A Threat in Every Age” points out the destruction Christian liberalism causes.

I agree with him that the problem with Christian liberals is their allegiance is to culture and not to Scripture.

  1. Going to Ireland

I conclude this truncated version of my original draft (I’m so sorry you can’t read it!) with some news. Karen and I will be traveling to Ireland next week, celebrating our 10 years of marriage. This means Doyle’s Half Dozen will be on a two-week hiatus.

When I return, I plan to share about our exciting adventures. The next DHD, Lord willing, should be July 28.