Attention Word Slingers readers: Beginning December 11, 2019, all posts will be available at Thank you for reading Word Slingers!

Sitting in my car one spring day, I hear my two youngest playing a new game. This game was the sweetest thing to a momma’s tired soul.

It had been a long several weeks. I had been running around like crazy. My house was a disaster (and still is), and all I wanted to do at that exact moment was… zone out, just take a few moments to myself.  Yet, the instant I heard the game they were playing, I just had to play!

“OK, now it’s your turn to say something nice to me,” instructed Owen.

“Your blue eyes are so beautiful,” praised Rosie. Owen’s eyes lighted up with delight as he made a funny face at his little sister.

“Now it’s my turn to tell you something nice. …Your red hair is beautiful and long.” Owen commented back.

“I want to play!” I exclaimed.

“OK, mom. It’s your turn. You have to say something kind about one of us then we will say something nice about you.”

“Rosie, your laughter makes me smile and brightens my day. You are a joy to everyone,” I proclaimed. She smiled and then laughed her sweet little laugh.

“Now I want to tell you something mom. Your heart is so beautiful. More beautiful than anyone else I know,” stated Owen.

I instantly loved this game! Immediately my heart grew warm and gushed with love for these two little faces looking at me with admiration and love.

“Owen, I think your eyes are beautiful too, and I love the sweet words you give me every day. They seem to come right when I need them,” I said.

Man, who wouldn’t want to play a game like that? We all love encouragement and praise. Sometimes it is the very thing that keeps us doing good and motivates us to push on.

I was reminded that my actions and words can either bring memories of blessings or memories of discouragement. My words have such an impact on Rosie and Owen, and their words have an impact on me too.

I began to question myself, “How do I want to be remembered? How do I want them to feel about me as their mother? Will they have more good memories or more bad memories?”

The answer, well, that will be determined by the words I speak to them.

Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences” (Prov. 18:20-21).

Speaking wisely to my children today (and to anyone else for that matter) will yield a table of goodness and delight that will be satisfying tomorrow.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb; sweet to the taste and healthy to the body” (Prov. 16:24).

I want my words to be healthy to my children and bring them a strong and vivacious life. I want to spur them towards all that the Lord has planned for them, not hindering them in any way.

There is one who speaks rashly, like a piercing sword; but the tongue of the wise brings healing,” (Prov. 12:18).

We don’t always know what’s going on inside a person’s heart and soul, even our sweet children. It is hard for them to even know sometimes. But if we will remember to speak kindly and not out of anger or impatience we can bring healing that only the Father knows about.

The intelligent person restrains his words, and one who keeps a cool head is a man of understanding” (Prov. 17:27).

This one is so hard for me! I love to talk, I defiantly have an opinion, and I’m a red head – need I say more about keeping a cool head?

Yet, God’s word says to do just that. Don’t speak out of anger and keep some of those opinions to yourself. The more I do this, the more intelligent I will become. If I apply this knowledge to raising my children, I will learn to listen more, to control my temper more and to correct them with grace instead of sharp rebuke. A mom who is intelligent is a mom worth striving for!

So how about you? Do you want to play our game too!? Who can you offer up words of praise and encouragement to today? When you encourage them, see how quickly they encourage you back! It may just bring about a bountiful table of blessings in your life!