So everyone last month (including me) flipped out over the 50 Shades of Grey movie that came out…but I got to thinking about it, this movie is just a symptom of the deeper problem.
Why are women running to this type of book and film?
Honestly I put the blame at the feet of men. WHY, men?
Because God has called men to lead, guide and protect women. For the last several decades that has not been the case at all. We actually have been taking advantage of women. We have not viewed them as daughters of God, but rather something to be consumed. Shame on US, men!! It’s sinful and wrong!
If men (husbands) would follow Eph 5:25-28, women would not be running by the millions to go see this type of filth and trash.
I am calling on CHRISTIAN MEN, in particular, to become ACTIVATED for the cause of Jesus Christ! Show your wife what it looks like to chase after the things of God. This is so much more important than anything else we can do as husbands and men.
When we chase after God, and bring our wives along with us in this journey, the marriage relationship completely transforms. If men would do this, women would no longer have a need or desire to run into the arms of this type of ‘entertainment.’
As my grandpa use to say: “If you’ve got a top shelf steak at the house, you won’t be running into town to get hamburger helper.”
If we transform the hearts of men we will change the destiny of the entire family.