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I have friends who say things like: “I want my kids to decide for themselves about God.”
I have always struggled with this idea…well lo and behold, my pastor (Josh Eaton) recently did a sermon on why that’s a bad thing.

Here are his five reasons those are bad ideas:

1. It assumes they are not sinners and can figure it out on their own.
2. It assumes you don’t really believe God is the only way and others go to Hell.
3. It is disobedient to God’s command NOT to teach and train your children in his way.
4. You don’t have that attitude toward other lesser things.
5. It is assumes that you think God’s ways aren’t that important.

You (as a parent) are to be the primary BIBLE teacher for your children. Not your pastor, youth pastor, or your child’s Sunday School teacher. You are the one that needs to be teaching them about God.

If you don’t teach your child to love God, someone is going to teach your child to not love God.

Step up and start talking to your children about God.
Step up and start PRAYING with your children.
If you don’t know what to do, start with something video based. Just be present with them while you’re children are hearing about God.
IF they ask questions and you don’t know the answer, tell them you don’t know, but you’re going to find out the answer together.

Are you going to do it perfectly? NOPE! But that’s OK. It’s a process. Just do it.

Your child’s eternity is on the line. Be proactive in teaching your children the Gospel.