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The Big Game 2013 is in the history books. You know what I mean by “Big Game,” right? Big Game is the only NFL approved way to refer to the Super Bowl XLVII (Oops) if you are not an official sponsor of the event. After being exposed to some of those commercials, maybe it’s best not to be mistaken for an official sponsor anyway.

Back to the game. It was a close one. And just to know that the head coaches of the opposing teams were brothers added even more to the drama. To me, it was also thought provoking to think that I could’ve been playing my brother in the Super Bowl…if only my brother was doing his part.

After halftime there was an electrical blackout at the…er…Big Game. Boy, that made the whole experience even more historic! So much so, I even stopped watching Downton Abbey for a few minutes just to see what was going on.

Somebody bungled our bundle!

Speaking of blackouts, our house lost all digital connectivity when our cable company went down recently. It was not just my house, people in 15 states lost all Internet, phone, and television. Rumor was the company was hacked, I’m not sure if that’s true, there’s a lot of hacking going on these days–but the customers sure were hacked.

The outage lasted for three days, to pass the time our family entertained ourselves by taking turns lip syncing the Star Spangled Banner.

Crazy for us too, that very week the microwave in our house went down. It was very rustic living with no TV, phone, Internet, …or Lean Cuisine.

I started making handmade furniture and cheese to sell to the tourists who wanted to see how we lived.

Photo by Ken Durden /